Category: Nutrition and Health

Gluten-Free in France

Two years ago (see this post) we were hard-pressed to find much in the way of gluten-free foods in France. I saw a couple of French translations of Wheat Belly and other “diet books” in a bookstore, but little food for folks who had to be gluten-free due to intolerance or celiac disease. Things may …

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Yet Another Beverage Boondoggle

Julian does his major web surfing while I’m fast asleep and often emails links to me. Sometimes they’re foolish videos or websites. Then we have the “stuff nobody really needs.” Witness the Teamosa. This is a tea variant on the Keurig beverage model. For a mere $399, you can have a machine that ultrasonically extracts …

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Oh, (R)Evolve

Julian and I walked up to the Main Street Block Party this evening. It was held to commemorate the first anniversary of the fire that destroyed two buildings on Main Street and would have decimated downtown if every fire department within a 15-mile radius hadn’t sent help. The biggest attraction was the beer garden put …

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Sanity Maintenance

There are days when I swear things are going to Hell on rocket-powered roller-skates. Some pundits describe the daily disclosures from DC as “drip, drip, drip”; to me, they look more like deluges. It’s easy to get sucked into incessantly watching or reading the news for fear of what’s next. Sometimes you just have to …

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Worst Case Scenario

Let’s say that some nightmare of a Republican “health care” bill manages to pass both houses of Congress and gets signed into law. Who will lose? Here are my predictions: The elderly won’t lose. They vote. The AARP will lobby every last member of Congress and state legislature to make sure that any Medicaid cuts …

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Getting Juiced, Getting Fleeced

By now you’ve probably heard about the Juicero, a Wi-Fi-enabled juicer that squeezes $8 packets of juice into your glass for a mere $399 (plus tax, shipping, and handling). Venture capitalists with more money than common sense funded this company. One investigative reporter found that she could hand squeeze the packet into a glass herself and …

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Thank Scientists Again

In a previous post, I talked about how government-funded research contributed to the return of bald eagles from near extinction. Here’s an example of how scientific research directly saves human lives. One of the most dramatic medical developments of the last 40 years is the transformation of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV, the virus that …

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Brunch Conversation

I got home from church as Julian was eating his bagel, cream cheese, and lox. I heated up some leftovers and joined him at the table. He was reading an article on high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in the newspaper. This is where one goes all-out on an aerobic exercise for a short period of time, …

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The Bill Arrives

It only took four months, but the bill for my emergency room visit in Avignon for the dislocated pinky arrived. The envelope was stamped “prioritaire” (priority), but was postmarked 11/18/16. I guess the French postal system has a different conception of priority. The real surprise was the bottom line: 127.52 Euros (about $150). The probable …

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Five Things Americans Can Teach the French

In the last post I listed five things Americans can learn from the French. This post lists five things Americans can teach the French. Integrate your immigrants into society. These people have much to offer an aging workforce. Shuffling them into ugly suburbs called banlieues with little opportunity is counterproductive, given the violence that’s occurred …

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