Category: Restaurants

Never Been to Spain…

Until now. A more appropriate question might be, what took us so long? We’re in San Sebastian, the heart of Basque country. The Basques may be the oldest civilization in Europe, with a distinct language that bears no resemblance to other tongues in Europe or elsewhere. San Sebastian and Bilbao were industrialized cities in an …

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Easter in Paris

Easter is a big deal in Paris. It’s a religious holiday, and the kids are out of school tomorrow. Today’s a big deal for me as well, as it was 40 years ago today when I was nearly killed in an auto accident. Most years the day goes by without my remembering, but this year …

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Two Saturdays, Two Caribbean Restaurants

Last Saturday we had dinner at Mojito on our way to a symphony concert. It’s a tiny pan-Latinx restaurant just off Interstate 5. Mojito’s owner, Luam Wersom, started out as a dishwasher at the restaurant before he bought it several years ago. We’ve been going to the restaurant almost as long as it’s been open. …

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Another Closure

The New York Times published a list of restaurants nationwide that had closed because of Covid-19 closures. The list was, naturally, East Coast-centric until the last few entries. The one that really hurt was Pok Pok. We made that restaurant a regular stop on our trips to Portland. We even went to their outpost in …

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Takeout Night

Family-owned restaurants are struggling to survive during the pandemic. Some restaurants in southern climates can serve customers at open-air tables that are socially distanced during winter months; however, this strategy won’t work in places like Seattle or Syracuse. These small businesses are among the highest risk to fail, and need our help. We’ve resolved to …

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Life and Food in the Time of COVID-19

We live less than three miles from the epicenter of the COVID-19 outbreak in Washington. Responses of locals range from que sera, sera to full-tilt freakout. I’m trying to hew to a middle path. My primary concession to the outbreak is to drive to work rather than take the bus on days when I don’t …

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Feeding the Red Sauce Need in Vegas

Las Vegas has a variety of Italian restaurants on the Strip, mostly of the yupscale, celebrity chef genre where a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs will set you back at least $50. (Friends, real Italian meatballs are NOT made from ground Wagyu beef.) One of my classmates who spends winters outside the city organized a …

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Poor Man’s Pizza

I had a chunk of leftover “French bread”, along with some mozzarella cheese and jarred spaghetti sauce. What to do for lunch? Make a poor man’s pizza. For those of you not of the Cornell persuasion, the poor man’s pizza (or PMP) is the direct antecedent of Stouffer’s French bread pizza. It’s a chunk of …

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Very Upscale Italian

My former roommate texted me yesterday to let me know that Joe’s in Ithaca was closing. I’d mentioned this restaurant in a previous post about family-style Italian restaurants. As it happened, Julian made reservations for an Italian restaurant in Pioneer Square prior to our symphony concert. The restaurant was Il Terrazzo Carmine. This is definitely …

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In Search of Pasta Fazool

Julian’s father had a stock response when we’d ask him what was for dinner: “Pasta fazool.” He wasn’t particularly fond of the soup, he just liked saying its name. There was also an Olive Garden just outside his condo complex. This was a frequent dining destination when we’d visit them, as Julian’s stepmother was not …

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