Category: Restaurants

Seattle vs. Portland Smackdown!

Seattle and Portland are friendly rivals, be it on the soccer pitch or in the national imagination. In the spirit of my previous compare and contrasts, here is the Seattle – Portland smackdown! Coffee. Seattle has Starbucks, Caffe d’Arte, Vivace, and other outlets. Portland has Stumptown. Stumptown has come to Seattle, with one outlet on …

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Dining Out on the Dental Diet

After a week of mostly liquid meals, Julian is slowly adding soft foods to his diet. We’ve had baked salmon and Thai curry with cod. Yesterday we went to Bellevue. Julian suggested having dim sum for lunch. “Some of those dumplings should work with my teeth,” he said. For the uninitiated, dim sum are little …

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More Thai Food in Vegas

Tonight’s dinner was at Lotus of Siam, away from the Strip. Julian made reservations before we left Washington. The restaurant was less noisy than those on the Strip. Service was excellent. We had hot and sour catfish soup as the appetizer. This soup elevates the lowly bottom-feeder fish to legendary status. I’ve made several versions …

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The Many Contradictions of Las Vegas

Las Vegas was not my first choice for a destination on this vacation. Nor was it my second, third, or twelfth choice. I’ve always had an aversion to places that only exist to separate people from their money. Many years ago we went to the Trump Taj Mahal with Julian’s aunt and uncle. It was …

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Turn It Down!

Last year I posted on our restaurant pet peeves. Number one on the list was noise. I have some hearing loss, courtesy of too many fraternity parties back in the day. (I should have done a hearing aid inventory on my classmates at Reunion last year.) As a result, the cacophony of many  restaurants drives …

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We Are in Culinary End Times

When I ride the bus to work, I go past a little storefront in downtown Seattle that calls itself the Grilled Cheese Experience. Really? Are people so culinarily challenged that they have to get grilled cheese sandwiches at a restaurant?

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In Search of Pastrami

David Sax, in his 2009 book Save the Deli, bemoaned the loss of traditional Jewish delis. Here is a list of delis that are of blessed memory : Ithaca, NY – Hal’s Dallas – Phil’s Miami – Wolfie’s, Corky’s, The Rascal House Since we’ve lived in the Seattle area, several delis have gone extinct. The …

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Vacancies at University Village

University Village is a major shopping center in Seattle, just north of the University of Washington. In recent days two businesses within close proximity of each other have closed. Mrs. Cook’s closed January 6 because the owner retired. It had a great selection of appliances and utensils, along with a small cookbook section. We’ve bought …

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We had lunch at a Japanese/Vietnamese spot today, Poké Café. Julian had a banh mi, I had a ramen bowl. After he finished the banh mi, he decided that it time to try spam musubi. For those of you in Sheboygan or Syracuse, Spam musubi is a quintessentially Hawaiian food. It consists of rice and Spam …

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Last Day in Paris

Our last day in Paris was jam-packed. Bruce  attended Mass while Julian and I went to the Grenelle open-air market. We always seem to go to these markets the day before we return to chain-grocery monotony. The displays of fish, meats, cheeses, and other foodstuffs were tempting. Julian bought a vegetable peeler and a tin …

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