Category: Travel

Gorgeous Gorges

We spent three nights in the Gorges du Verdon. This is France’s equivalent of the Grand Canyon. The Verdon River doesn’t look like much now, but in its heyday it carried large amounts of water from receding glaciers; hence the canyons. Although the area is popular with other Europeans, we didn’t meet any other Americans …

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Lessons Learned from Being an ER Patient in Two Countries

Family, friends, and I have been patients in emergency rooms (ER’s) many times. I work in Quality and Patient Safety in a large hospital, and my office overlooks the ER parking lot. My recent experience in a French ER for a dislocated finger has allowed me to reflect on how all ER’s can treat patients …

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Other Sights and Sounds from St. Rémy

The injury to my hand, coupled with a bad reaction to the ibuprofen and naproxen I took to manage the pain, did a number on the last two days in St. Rémy-De-Provence. However, we were able to do some interesting things. Friday we walked to the Roman ruins of Glanum, about a mile from our …

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Friends, this looks worse than it actually is. Yesterday we went to a medieval village called Les Baux. The views of the valley were stunning, and the site had numerous artifacts, such as battering rams and trebuchets. Just as we were about to exit, I slipped and fell. The only thing damaged was my left …

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The Purple People-Eater

Meet our rental car. This was the only model at the agency with a trunk big enough to accommodate our luggage. We purposely used the smaller suitcases, but still had trouble. This is a Citroën Cactus. I prefer the moniker Purple People-Eater, after the classic Sheb Wooley song. As with many recent-model cars, the rear …

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Let there be Lumiere

(Lumière is the French word for light.) Yesterday’s outing included a trip to the Lumière Museum in Lyon. The Lumière family, particularly brothers Auguste and Louis, were instrumental in the early days of cinema. While Edison’s kinetoscope showed movies to individuals (similar to a peep show), les frères Lumière pioneered cameras and projection equipment so the …

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The Local Soundtrack

I’ve noticed some very unusual music choices in restaurants and in our hotel dining room. It must be a local radio station that plays predominantly American popular music. We’ve heard everything from disco to Cab Calloway. In one restaurant we heard Louis Armstrong’s version of La Vie en Rose. Quelle sacrilège! No Edith Piaf? No …

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Equal Time

It occurred to me that there may be male readers of this blog who count themselves in the Cult of Cute Shoes. Granted, none of you has fessed up, but I’m posting this just for you. This is the display of a shoe store around the corner from our hotel in Lyon.

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More for my Cronies in the Cult of Cute Shoes

Don’t drool over these too much, ladies. These are 1/3 to 1/2 scale models that reside in a museum of miniatures and film. On our way back to the hotel last night we passed a store with these boots for sale: Note the relatively diminutive heel on the furry ones. You can tell this shop …

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Paris vs. Lyon Smackdown!

Our previous two visits to Lyon were only two days each. Now that we’re in the midst of spending five days here, we can start to compare and contrast Lyon with Paris. Here we go: Rivers. Paris has one, the Seine. Lyon has two, the Rhône and the Saône, which meet at the southern end …

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