Category: Travel

More Gallows Humor

Several years ago in Lyon I saw the following: On Wednesday we went to the Musée Carnavalet, which focuses on the history of Paris. One whole floor is devoted to the French Revolution. Julian took this picture of earrings that were made after Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette lost their lives. Even 200+ years ago, …

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Unplugged – Sort Of

Because I haven’t had more than a week of vacation per year in the last two years, I decided to be offline from work for the duration of this break. I told a coworker that I should only be contacted via my home email if there’s a zombie apocalypse or similar disaster at work. How’s …

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Paris, Days One and Two

We landed at Charles de Gaulle Airport around noon on Sunday. We took a cab to our rental apartment on Ile St. Louis. The apartment is small, but serviceable for the two of us. The biggest drawback of the building – no elevator, and we’re on the third floor. The stairway is in a semi-spiral …

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The Paris and Pintxos Tour

The countdown has begun! T minus 12 days until we leave for a twice-Covid-canceled trip to Europe. The original itinerary (France and Italy) has been changed to France and Spain. The plans for this trip have been in the works almost since we canceled last year. Julian managed to get us almost-reasonable plane fares and …

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A Sad Symmetry

I’m reading Mark Kurlansky’s The Basque History of the World in advance of our trip to San Sebastian and the Basque regions of Spain and France. (More about that to come.) The Spanish Civil War didn’t make it into my high school history classes. Generalissimo Francisco Franco was the butt of many Weekend Update jokes …

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No Europe This Year

Way back in February, I was fully vaccinated and Julian had had his first shot. We were optimistic that COVID-19 was going to be beaten back. As a result, we decided to re-book the trip to Europe that we’d had to cancel in 2020. Julian scored great apartment rentals in Florence and Paris and almost-reasonably-priced …

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Georgia on my Mind

One of the peak experiences of my adult life was accompanying a friend from college to the Republic of Georgia when she adopted a baby girl. In addition to seeing my friend realize her dream of being a mother, the breads of Georgia were a revelation. Some were flatbreads baked on the sides of giant …

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Ithaca Therapy

The day before Mom’s funeral, I made a spur of the moment trip to Ithaca. I had lunch with a former roommate at her home just north of the Cornell campus. She got takeout from the Collegetown Bagels store/restaurant near her home. This place was the usual Sunday brunch location for Julian and me when …

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Bittersweet Homecoming

I’m back east for my mother’s graveside service on Wednesday. Everything was arranged by my sister and niece, all I had to do was fly back.Flying these days is even more of a slog than it was before Covid-19. It’s not just the masking, other “details” have been added to maximize your misery. Airport security …

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Feeding the Red Sauce Need in Vegas

Las Vegas has a variety of Italian restaurants on the Strip, mostly of the yupscale, celebrity chef genre where a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs will set you back at least $50. (Friends, real Italian meatballs are NOT made from ground Wagyu beef.) One of my classmates who spends winters outside the city organized a …

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