Category: Travel

Vacation Chow

Las Vegas has a plethora of restaurants associated with the casinos on the Strip. Many of them are branded by famous chefs: Gordon Ramsay, Wolfgang Puck, Jean-Georges Vongerichten, and Emeril Lagasse, to name a few. Others are chains that you can find in Seattle or Chicago. Many of these restaurants are designed to separate you …

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Another Edible Thoughts Road Trip

Cabin fever has descended on Casa Sammamish. I’d given Julian a weekend trip for Christmas. It has morphed into a week in Nevada and Arizona to see Las Vegas and the Grand Canyon. What happens in Vegas will (mostly) wind up on the blog. Julian will bring his camera on this jaunt, so expect a …

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Medieval Night

Last night was our 2019 French dinner. Since many of the churches we saw during our December trip to Paris were built in the Middle Ages (Saint-Denis, Notre Dame, Chartres, Sainte-Chapelle), we declared that this dinner would hew to the Medieval Diet. So what is the Medieval Diet? We eliminated ingredients that French folk would …

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Last Day in Paris

Our last day in Paris was jam-packed. Bruce  attended Mass while Julian and I went to the Grenelle open-air market. We always seem to go to these markets the day before we return to chain-grocery monotony. The displays of fish, meats, cheeses, and other foodstuffs were tempting. Julian bought a vegetable peeler and a tin …

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More Vacation Lessons

Nobody needed to visit an emergency room this year. We got to Charles de Gaulle Airport in plenty of time to catch our flight home. We had congenial companionship with our friend Bruce and Julian’s cousin Kitty. With the exception of the train ride back from Chartres, it was a very pleasant vacation. As usual, …

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A Train Wreck of a Day

We took the train out of Paris to Chartres on Saturday to visit the cathedral. Getting to Gare Montparnasse was a feat in itself, given the closures of many Metro stations due to the Gilets Jaunes (yellow vest) protests. However, we got to the station and reached the town around noon. Lunch was at Tomate …

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A New Title for the Trip

Julian originally called this trip “To the Barricades”, in honor of the Gilets Jaunes (Yellow Vest) protests that have been occurring every Saturday for several weeks. The more apropos title might be “Aux Églises” (To the Churches). Here’s the rundown of the ones we’ve visited on this trip: St. Denis, Sainte Chapelle, Notre Dame de …

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Montmartre Revisited

In a post three years ago, I registered my reservations about the Montmartre neighborhood of Paris and the Basilica of Sacré-Coeur. We went there today after our sojourn to the Eiffel Tower. It could be that the neighborhood is growing on me, or at least the basilica is. It was much less crowded than in …

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Free the Tower!

This morning we walked over to the Eiffel Tower. You’ll recall last year’s post that the Champs de Mars and the Tower were ringed in ugly chain-link fencing, making it very difficult for pedestrians to get around the tower to access the bridge over the Seine. This year the Champs de Mars was surrounded with …

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Breakfast in Paris

We do breakfast comme des Parisiens on this side of the Atlantic. Every morning we go to a bakery and get a fresh baguette pas trop cuit (not too hard) and a couple of croissants. We have juice and assorted cheeses on hand in the refrigerator. We’ll also pick up some fruit. Then we feast. …

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