Category: Travel

Basque-ing in Goodness

Tonight’s dinner was at a Basque restaurant near our apartment called Pottoka. Le Pays Basque straddles the border between France and Spain. The Basques are independent sorts who have their own language, which bears no resemblance to any other Indo-European tongue. They were horribly suppressed by the Franco regime in Spain; as a partial result, …

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Power Tools of a Different Type

Today’s adventures involved looking for the woodworkers near Place Bastille. Since our woodworking friend Bruce is joining us on this trip (see the post, Our Wine Cellar), we were looking for power tools. We ran across one wood shop that had this gorgeous chair in the display window: After lunch, we walked up to the …

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Seen in a Marks & Spencer

Marks & Spencer is an upscale British grocery chain that’s established a beach-head in France. Today we dove into one to warm up on our travels near La Place Bastille. This is one of the first items I ran across: I saw several more shelves of gluten-free goodies.

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Paris Promenades

We’ve had some scheduled items on this year’s trip. However, we’ve had plenty of chance encounters. On our first full day we went to the Church of St. Denis. This is a very old church that’s the burial place of much of French royalty, from Dagobert and Charlemagne to Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. St. …

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Noir est le Noir Nouveau

So we were at a café in Paris this afternoon people-watching. The vast majority of passersby were wearing black or gray. We figured that anyone who walked by wearing bright colors had to be a tourist. Now this was a Monday. Come Saturday, yellow vests will be de rigueur.

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Paris Packing

We’re traveling to Paris for a quick vacation. This was a spur-of-the-moment decision and came together surprisingly fast. Julian made the plane reservations and rented the apartment we were in last year within a 48-hour span. Going to Paris this year may be a little different, thanks to the “yellow vest” riots. President Macron increased …

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Weekend in British Columbia

We usually visit Vancouver once a year. The city has many interesting attractions, not to mention great restaurants. This year we started our British Columbia trip in Pemberton, a village north of Whistler. Our neighbors suggested visiting Pemberton, as they’d been there the month before. We visited Whistler for a day our first year living …

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Reunion Time

I’m en route to New York to visit family and attend my Cornell Reunion. To my mind, Reunion is the most fun you can have fully clothed and without illegal substances. I see plenty of friends I knew back in the day; in addition I meet new people I never ran across and who become …

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Lessons Learned on This Vacation

As always, travel gives us a chance to try new things and see new places. As with last year’s vacation, we also learn new lessons. Keep the claustrophobia at bay. We were in the midst of huge crowds at every stop on the trip, not to mention long lines to catch the flight home at …

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Dressing for Paris

This is a guest post from Julian. Here in Paris, women generally choose modest but stylish outfits for their appearances in public. Black is the preferred color, although pastels and earth-tones are acceptable.  Bright splashes are reserved for accessories. But when it’s time to party down, they may choose bizarre and outrageous creations with sequins, …

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