Category: Uncategorized

Bonjour Encore

Work has lightened up a little, so I’m back to blogging. Expect more content in the next few days. Coming attractions: The closing of a beloved eatery near the University of Washington; A southwestern French meal; How many of my work conversations somehow wind up on the topic of food. Watch this blog.

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Adieu for Now

You may have noticed a lack of new content in the last seven months. I’ve been swamped with work and other issues to add new posts. Therefore, edible is being put on hiatus. It may be resurrected in the future. Thanks for reading.

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More Cute Shoes

My friends in the Cult of Cute Shoes anxiously await this post every time I travel. Today’s entries are from the Wooden Shoe Museum and factory at the Zaansche Schans park in the Netherlands. I’m sure we’ll find more beauties in Venice. Hiking boots are considered cute in the Dolomites.

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There Oughta Be a Law

There are several food faux pas that I don’t get riled about. Want to drink red wine with fish? Okay by me. Want to pre-boil your ribs before grilling them? It’s your life. However, there is one thing that should never be done: putting mayonnaise on a pastrami sandwich. I’ve made my opinion on mayonnaise …

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Red-Eye Ribs

Julian cooks ribs on the grill for most holidays in the summer. Usually he smokes them and makes his North Carolina-style sauce to slather them at the end of cooking. (Note: His sauce is in the tomato-based Lexington style. East of Raleigh, the sauce is vinegar and cayenne pepper. I won’t discuss the mustard-based abomination …

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Introducing Dudley

We acquired a new family member earlier this month, Dudley. He’s a Russian Blue from the same cattery where we got Luka and Neli. As you can tell by the photo below, he meows a lot. He didn’t read the breed’s Code of Conduct that states that Russian Blues are quiet. And yes, his ears …

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Praise for Pockets

Now that some of us are venturing back to the office (or at least getting out of the house more) and needing to update our wardrobes, I have a suggestion for women’s clothing designers: put pockets on your offerings. None of these wimpy little pouches that won’t fit a credit card, or decorative flaps that …

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Thanksgiving, Warts and All

The Thanksgiving story we were told in elementary school was a myth. As a descendent of the Pilgrims on my father’s side of the family, the myth is coded deep in my DNA. A hardy group of settlers land in the New England wilderness and manage to survive their first year with assistance from the …

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How Lean is Too Lean?

My background is in science. The thought of getting a business degree never occurred to me. I have picked up a few business buzzwords over my years in healthcare. One of the most prevalent examples of MBA-Speak is Lean. This four-letter word is sprinkled liberally in job postings throughout all sectors of the economy. What …

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A Death in the Kitchen

Let’s face it, friends, to stay alive we have to kill other things. Sometimes they’re already dead on arrival in our kitchens; other times we actually do the killing. Last week I had to perform mass murder: Yeast Mode, my sourdough starter, was put out of their misery. Cause of death: Contamination by the wrong …

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