Category: Uncategorized

Cottonwood Season

Around May, those of us who live near bodies of water suddenly find the air full of puffy white things that look more like dandelion seeds on steroids. These contain cottonwood seeds. In some areas the trees are so plentiful that the cottonwood puffs coalesce to form tumbleweed-type balls a couple of inches in diameter. …

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Dirty Rice, Cher!

[Cher translates from the French or Cajun as “dear”.] Cajuns in Louisiana are experts at making great eats with inexpensive, often overlooked foods. Consider dirty rice. They grind up chicken gizzards and brown them, then add vegetables. Rice, seasoning, and liquid go in and the mixture cooks until the rice is tender. It’s also a …

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Home Sweet Home

Casa Sammamish is ours (and the bank’s)! We closed yesterday, after signing all the papers on Thursday. Two hours later we were at the Homeowners’ Association annual meeting. We’d met several of our neighbors through the effort to keep the golf course from getting developed. Tomorrow night we’re having our former landlords over for dinner, …

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Bird Food

Here’s another post from my friend, Michele. I’ll add our take on feeding birds afterward. My grandmother, of blessed memory, lived for most of the years I knew her in the two-family house where my mother and her brothers grew up. The Friedman family had the second floor, with living room windows that looked out …

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The Internal iTunes

I have a weird memory for music. Sometimes a song I haven’t heard in years will suddenly pop into my head, complete with lyrics and the right musical arrangement. The scientific term for this phenomenon is earworm. I prefer to think of it as my internal iTunes. There are bad earworms and good earworms. The …

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So This is Christmas…

Last week I went to my usual salon to get my hair cut. Lena had the All Christmas radio station playing. Most of the songs are so overplayed that I’ve considered wearing noise-cancelling headphones around town throughout December. Then, just as I was leaving the shop, I heard the voice of John Lennon singing his …

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The Treyfecta

The three main Jewish dietary laws are: No consumption of meat from land animals without cloven hooves and that do not chew cud. The principal meat eliminated here is pork. No consumption of aquatic animals that lack fins and scales. This eliminates shellfish. No consumption of meat and dairy foods at the same meal. Foods …

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No Comments, Alas

It has come to my attention that folks who want to leave comments about some of my posts haven’t been able to do so. My site administrator (Julian) is aware of this and will attempt to fix the issue once he can get a human being on the WordPress help line.

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Thanksgiving Rituals

After many years at this, we’ve got this Thanksgiving thing figured out. Since we usually go to friends’ houses for the holiday, we don’t need to worry about the turkey. Julian makes the key lime pie in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning. When I get up, I make the cranberry relish(es) and any other …

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Nous Sommes Tous Parisiens

[Translated: We are all Parisians.] Julian and I are both Francophiles. We love the language, culture, food, and country. It therefore broke my heart to hear about the terrorist attacks in Paris, to the east of the apartment where we stayed less than six months ago. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of …

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