Tag: applesauce

The Apogee of Applesauce

Along with cranberry orange relish and two loaves of bread, I made applesauce on Thanksgiving. It did not go to our friends’ house. A day or so later Julian asked, “What did you do to this batch of applesauce?” Usually when he asks a question like that about one of my creations, it’s because he …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/11/30/the-apogee-of-applesauce/

First of the Season

I had a bunch of Jonagold apples that I originally was going to use to make apple crisp. However, the week got away from me, so I opted to get some more apples and make applesauce. I used my tried-and-true method that I outlined last year. This time I added a couple of knobs of fresh …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2016/10/15/first-of-the-season/

Thanksgiving Rituals

After many years at this, we’ve got this Thanksgiving thing figured out. Since we usually go to friends’ houses for the holiday, we don’t need to worry about the turkey. Julian makes the key lime pie in the wee hours of Thanksgiving morning. When I get up, I make the cranberry relish(es) and any other …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/11/26/thanksgiving-rituals/

Oh, Applesauce!

It should not surprise my regular readers that I have strong opinions on anything. Applesauce is no exception. I’ve had relatives and friends who owned orchards in upstate New York. Two high school classmates now run the orchard in my hometown that had been in my mother’s family for many years. Moving to the West …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/10/31/oh-applesauce/