Tag: car show

Weekend Wanderings

Friday night Julian asked, “So what are the plans for the weekend?” I told him to look at the weekend section of the paper for inspiration. As it happened, the Greenwood Car Show was on Saturday. We’ve gone to this several times while we’ve lived here. In the interest of domestic tranquility, I acquiesced. Somehow …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/06/25/weekend-wanderings/

The Kirkland Classic Car Show

Today’s trip was to this car show. Julian was a motor head in his youth; my brother was a connoisseur of American muscle cars. Kirkland is the town next door, but has a much different feel than Bothell. I don’t understand how the town can support all of the beauty salons, gyms, and plastic surgeons …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/07/26/the-kirkland-classic-car-show/