Tag: coffee

Bad News, Good News

Julian was compiling a list of items to order from Amazon/Whole Foods. He came upstairs while I was working on some bread dough. “I have bad news and good news,” he said. “The bad news is there’s no unbleached all-purpose flour to be had.” “What’s the good news?” I asked. “Caffe d’Arte is still shipping …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2020/03/29/bad-news-good-news/

The New Espresso Machine Begets

I am a mere mortal tea drinker. The obsessive-compulsive machinations Julian goes through to make his drug of choice are beyond my comprehension. So when the espresso machine he bought when we moved to Seattle (after the movers trashed his old one) was on its last pump, this set off a cascade of purchases. First: …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2019/12/28/the-new-espresso-machine-begets/

More Change, not for the Better

We went downtown on our usual caffeine run today. It’s high tourist season here. Pike Place Market was slammed. As we approached Julian’s coffee shop of choice, Caffe d’Arte, I noticed it looked strangely vacant. We read the sign on the door: Last day of business at the location on 2nd Ave and Stewart Street …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/06/17/more-change-not-for-the-better/