Tag: cooking


Thanksgiving’s my favorite holiday. It’s not just because my ancestors came over to North America on the Mayflower. It’s a day that gives me the opportunity to play in the kitchen. Now that we live on the West Coast, traveling to see my family isn’t in the cards. Luckily, we have dinner with some of our …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/11/21/thanksgiving/

Figgy Goodness!

We managed to score some fresh figs at a reasonable price last week. This is no mean feat. Fresh figs are quite perishable. This is why they’re usually $6 per pint box in Seattle, whereas you can rarely find them in the Northeast or Midwest. Other than devouring them at one sitting, what can you …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/08/22/figgy-goodness/

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