Tag: Nature


The bald eagle nesting pair who live on our street have decamped to their summer aerie. In the meantime, a pair of hawks have apparently taken up squatting in the nest. One hawk sat on a branch of the Douglas fir off our deck for over a half hour the other day. Julian took numerous …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2021/08/22/squatters/

Neli and Nature

Neli, our cat who composes text messages, is also a devotee of nature shows. Here she is watching a PBS Nature show on owls.   Now for the answer to the question in the last post. The cabbage rolls contained beef, yet the kosher certification was P. This stands for pareve, or neutral. This is …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2017/04/05/neli-and-nature/