Tag: Paris

Nous Sommes Tous Parisiens

[Translated: We are all Parisians.] Julian and I are both Francophiles. We love the language, culture, food, and country. It therefore broke my heart to hear about the terrorist attacks in Paris, to the east of the apartment where we stayed less than six months ago. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/11/14/nous-sommes-tous-parisiens/

Locks of Love, Seattle Style

A peculiar ritual came to an end last month in Paris. For years, couples would attach padlocks to the Pont des Arts and other bridges over the Seine as symbols of their lasting love. Tradition had it that the keys were thrown in the river. As with many rituals, things got out of hand. The …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/07/02/locks-of-love-seattle-style/

Off to the Hinterlands

Today was our last day in Paris. Unfortunately, it rained. We wandered around the Jardin de Luxembourg and the neighborhood where we rented an apartment four years ago. In the afternoon we attended a short organ concert at St. Eustache church, which boasts the largest pipe organ in Europe. We had dinner at Alsace aux …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/31/off-to-the-hinterlands/

For Members of the “Cult of Cute Shoes”

You know who you are. Your idea of Nirvana is the semi-annual shoe sale at Nordstrom. We found just the thing for you near Place St. Michel today: The size was not listed.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/31/for-members-of-the-cult-of-cute-shoes/

Foodie Heaven on Earth

Friends, we have been to the Promised Land. It’s the Galeries Lafayette Gourmet Shop, which has FOUR FLOORS of food, beverages, and cooking tools. The Harrods Food Halls in London and the KDV Food Halls in Berlin are pale pretenders. Even our beloved Pike Place Market in Seattle doesn’t have the density or breadth of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/31/foodie-heaven-on-earth/

A Touchstone (for me, at least) in Paris

Four years ago we were walking around Rue Francois Miron and happened upon an organ concert in St. Gervais Church. While we were listening to the concert, I noticed that some of the stained-glass windows looked way too modern for such an old church. A trip to Google revealed the answer: The church was bombed …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/30/a-touchstone-for-me-at-least-in-paris/

Speaking of Maniacs…

If the drivers in Paris are maniacs, the scooter and motorcycle riders have death wishes. “Traffic lights? We don’t need no stinking traffic lights!” (Of course, they say it in French.) The prudent pedestrian looks both ways and prays when the walk light comes on.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/29/speaking-of-maniacs/

Two Days, Four (Give or Take) Shrines

Wednesday we hit three shrines: Two religious and one secular. We got up early to stand on line to enter Sainte-Chapelle. This church is two blocks away from Notre Dame. It’s also older and smaller than its neighbor. The entrance to Sainte-Chapelle is shared with the Palace of Justice. Our line progressed much faster than …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/29/two-days-four-give-or-take-shrines/

What Were They Thinking?!?

This afternoon we went to the Louvre to walk around the plaza. Many people believe that the I.M. Pei-designed pyramids are a stain on the museum, but this trumps anything I could imagine: Louis XIV, the guy on the horse, is doing cartwheels in his grave.

Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/26/what-were-they-thinking/

Ah, Paris!

We arrived in Paris in the early afternoon. We applied several lessons learned from our previous trip here four years ago: Always buy Métro tickets from a human being rather than a machine; Ignore any solicitations; and Build up your upper body strength before the trip so you can haul your suitcases upstairs. The French …

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Permanent link to this article: http://ediblethoughts.com/2015/05/26/ah-paris/

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