The God-Awful Chicken Dish

Every family has a certain recipe that reaches legendary status for one reason or another. Recently in my family, it’s something that got the name in the title. I have yet to try it, since I’m on the West Coast. My mother hates it, but my sister Terry and her family love it.
According to Terry, you take chicken pieces and coat them in a mixture of mayonnaise and a little horseradish. You then bread and bake them. The chicken is served with a horseradish sauce.
Today was a family celebration for the birthdays of my nephew and his wife. Terry made the God-Awful Chicken Dish (GACD) for the occasion. Mom told me on the phone yesterday that she’d bring her own main dish because Terry was making the GACD. When I spoke to Terry today, her retort was: “I don’t know why she hates the GACD. There’s not that much horseradish in the chicken. And she likes cocktail sauce, which has plenty of horseradish in it.”

A former roommate theorizes that tomato and eggs are great detoxifiers of obnoxious flavors. Maybe if Terry slathered the chicken with cocktail sauce rather than a mayo-horseradish mixture, Mom would eat it. I’d be more inclined to because of my mayonnaise aversion. Truth be known, Terry has her own chicken quirk. She hates chicken skin, so making wings is out of the question. As we say in Bothell, à chacun son goût.

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